Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Quiz 4/8/08

1. I would say Thank you to the little girl. I would inform her that I really appreciate it. I would then explain to her that I understand that she thinks that it is okay because her family does it, but maybe she should think a little more about the idea of what happens when they download off the internet. I might give her a scenario that would involve her and something that she does that she would make money off of. Then I ask her how she would feel if someone was copying and giving it away to others. After I got a response I would relate that feeling she has to how the artist might feel. I would explain to the student that maybe we should talk to her parents about this just so that they knew that I knew they were downloading off the internet.

2. I would say Thank You to the little girl, but ask her if she thinks stealing is okay. I would explain to her that I appreciate the thought of the gift, but stealing was not the best way to go about getting the cd. I would tell her that I needed to talk to her parents about it because she could get into a lot of trouble for stealing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's Day

1. Newspaper: The equipment that has already been purchased for each individual one will be able to be used for the other, which therefore gives more options to the customers.
2. Article: